Мы предлагаем возможность мгновенной скачки материалов с разных источников. Большой архив, разбит по категориям программы, фильмы, музыка во FLAC и MP3, а также книги и журналы.
XP Tools - набор из 20-ти утилит для тонкой настройки, увеличения
быстродействия, обслуживания и защиты компьютера под управлением
операционной системы Windows. Сами разработчики не зря называют своё
детище швейцарским армейским ножом для Windows, настолько богата
функциями данная небольшая программа.
В набор входят: Утилиты чистки и оптимизации: Clean Disk, Clean Registry, Organizer StartUp, Optimize Memory, Repair Shortcuts. Утилиты безопасности: Hide Folder, Clean Tracks, Exe Password, Clean IE Tracks, Clean BHO, Shred Files. Утилиты управления и контроля: Manage Windows, Manage Process, Protect IE, XP Uninstaller, System Information Специальные утилиты: Auto Shutdown, Backup Driver, Folder Size, XP Shell.
XP Tools: Fix, Speed up, Maintain and Protect your PC! XP Tools is a
collection of tools to fix, speed up, and maintain your PC! These
utilities include Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner, Uninstall Plus,
StartUp Manager, Folder Guard, Tracks Washer, Driver Backup, Auto
Shutdown, Windows Manager, Process Manager and Super Shell. With a cool
and user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use XP Tools.
These powerful tools will keep your system running faster, cleaner and
error free!
Возможности: - Очистка диска от ненужных файлов и реестра от мусорных записей; - Oптимизация оперативной памяти и файла подкачки; редактор автозагрузки; - Поиск перемещённых файлов для восстановления работоспособности ярлыков; - Создание скрытых папок и защита паролем программ; редактор главного меню Windows; - Очистка журнала, файлов cookie и другой приватной информации в браузере; - Поиск и удаление шпионских модулей, защита IE от вредоносного кода; - Полное удаление установленных программ; - Резервное копирование драйверов и важных файлов; - Информация о системе; - Управление процессами в памяти; - Автоматическое выключение системы по расписанию или в конце дня; - Просмотр занимаемого папками пространства на диске.
XP Tools will erase your Internet tracks, hide your sensitive files and
folders, lock your important applications, and give you the tools that
you need to fine-tune your computer to your personal needs.
Tools is a totally integrated suite of powerful PC Utilities to fix,
speed up, maintain and protect your computer. With only a few minutes
of tweaking, XP Tools will optimize the performance of your computer,
corrects problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your
XP Tools will erase your Internet tracks, hide your
sensitive files and folders, lock your important applications, and give
you the tools that you need to fine-tune your computer to your personal
needs. When you run XP Tools, your Windows system will run faster, will
crash less often, and will be more private and secure.
Here are some key features of "XP Tools Standard Version":
Clean Disk
· Make your system run faster by removing unnecessary files from your
hard drive, deleting data that you don't need, and freeing up valuable
space. Learn more
Clean Registry · If you're like most
Windows users, your Registry is full of invalid data and references to
programs and drivers that you've uninstalled months ago. The Registry
is the heart of your Windows system. Make it clean and efficient again,
and your computer will be faster and more stable.
Organizer StartUp, Optimize Memory
· Your computer runs more slowly now than it did when it was new. Part
of your problem is that you have software running that you really don't
need. StartUp Organizer lets you get rid of the useless utilities that
automatically load each time you start your Windows - the utilities
that are slowing down your important applications. Have you
noticed that your computer runs slower and slower as the hours pass?
The main reason is that the programs that you close don't free up your
valuable system memory properly. Memory Turbo ensures that memory is
given back to you when you're through running a program. This results
in brisker computing, and fewer system crashes.
Repair Shortcuts
· Most often you delete/move the target file or folder of a shortcut,
making that shortcut invalid. This utility searches your disk for such
dead shortcuts, and can even fix them, by automatically searching for
moved targets.
О файле: Активация|рег код: есть Язык Интерфейса: Eng Год выпуска: 2009 Формат файла: Rar Платформа/ОС: windows XP Размер файла: 5,04 Mb md5: e9cdafd7e4e84ca1185e0fa38f1d8559
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