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Главная » 2009 » Август » 16 » Acronis Backup & Recovery Workstation 10.0.10287


Созданный специально для защиты интеллектуальной собственности, которая постоянно находится на деловых рабочих станциях и ноутбуках, Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ 10 Workstation оптимизирует защиту персональных данных и довольно прост в применении. Создает точный образ диска Вашей офисной рабочей станции и резервирует операционную систему, приложения, ключевые файлы данных и папки.
Acronis упрощает процес восстановления. Пользователи легко могут выполнить восстановление файлов и папок без вмешательства администратора. Даже вся операционная система Windows® может быть восстановлена в течении нескольких минут, используя возможности восстановления одним щелчком Acronis.

Built to protect the intellectual property that resides in business desktops and laptops, Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ 10 Workstation combines optimized data protection and ease-of-use. It creates an exact disk image of your office workstation and backs up the operating system, applications, key data files and folders. Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ 10 Workstation comes with flexible scheduling and event-based triggering to cater to the most demanding user environments. With the optional Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ Universal Restore™ module, the operating system, all user data, applications and settings can be restored to dissimilar hardware in a few simple steps, eliminating the need to acquire identical hardware if the machine has to be replaced. Acronis simplifies system restores. Users can perform self-service recoveries of files and folders in moments without administrator intervention. Even an entire Windows® system can be restored in minutes using the Acronis one-click restore feature.

Top Benefits:
• Flexible backup storage for mobile users. Back up a laptop to a variety of storage devices and locations, including the Acronis® Secure Zone™, a partition on the laptop.
• Minimize downtime and improve user productivity. With Acronis Backup & Recovery 10, the contents of the hard drive contents including the operating system, applications and data can be fully recovered in minutes, instead of hours or days.
• Acronis® AdvantageSM support and maintenance program. The Acronis® AdvantageSM program is an enhanced, multi-level subscription-based support and maintenance program. The first year of Acronis Advantage is included in the license price.
• Intuitive user interface and workflow minimizes training requirements. Users can restore files, folders and even their workstation without administrator assistance or extensive training.
• Simplified system migration to new and dissimilar hardware. Restoring to dissimilar hardware can be easily accomplished with optional Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ Universal Restore™ software. Move an old system to a new one, complete with all applications, data and settings and be ready to continue operations in minutes.

Key features and technologies:
Backup options
• Compression. Compress backups to optimize your storage space.
• Excluding files during backup. Save storage space and time by excluding non-essential files and folders from backups.
• Dual destination backup. Store backups into two different locations — backup to a local disk and a copy to a network share.
• Splitting backups, automatically or manually. Split backups into volumes to fit media.

Recovery options
• Acronis Startup Recovery Manager. If your system won’t boot properly, press F11 during the system startup to start Acronis Backup & Recovery.
• Bare-metal restore. Restore your workstation from scratch in the event of a hard disk failure — restore an exact copy of your computer on a new hard drive.

Virtualization support
• Converting image backup to a virtual machine. Recover a disk (volume) backup to a new virtual machine of any of the following types: VMware Workstation, Microsoft Virtual PC, Parallels Workstation or Citrix XenServer virtual appliance.

Backup management
• Pre/post commands. Define pre/post backup and data capture commands to integrate Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 with other applications or to temporarily stop some.
• Event-based backup. Create backups triggered by various conditions — a user logs on, a computer shuts down, or others.
• Conditions for backup. Configure backup operations to wait until specified conditions are met like a pre-defined time interval or a user logs off.
• Customizable backup scheme. Configure specific events and conditions for each task.

Reporting and monitoring
• Local dashboard. Operational overview of the backup and restore processes on a single screen.
• Recording events in Windows Event Log. Store Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 events in Windows Event Logs together with events from other applications. This allows for integration with system management tools like MOM.

Backup administration
• Automated deletion of outdated backups. Specify rules to automatically delete backups that are no longer needed.
• Consolidating incremental or differential backups. Consolidate incremental and differential backups to save space.

Deployment and upgrade options
• No reboot. No reboot required to complete installation.

User interface
• Command line with scripting support. Execute tasks and create backups from a command-line interface.
• Local management console. The Acronis interface is intuitive, making Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ 10 Workstation easy to install, quick to configure and deploy, and simple to use.

• Password-protection for Acronis Secure Zone. Protect your backups stored in Acronis Secure Zone from unauthorized access.
• Encrypted backup images. Encrypt your backups using industry-standard 256-bit AES algorithm to ensure data security.

Supported operating systems:
Windows 2000 SP (Service Pack) 4+
Windows XP SP2+ x32 and x64 Editions
Windows Vista all SP x32 and x64 Editions

Supported file systems:
Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 can back up and recover the following file systems with the following limitations:

Supported storage:
Hard disk drives
Networked storage devices
ZIP®, Rev® and other removable media
P-ATA (IDE), S-ATA, SCSI, IEEE1394 (Firewire) and USB 1.1 / 2.0 drives, PC card storage devices
Tape drives and tape autoloaders*

Год выпуска: 2009
Разработчик: Acronis
Язык Интерфейса: Английский
Платформа: Windows™ 2000|XP|Vista all
Лекарство: serial
Размер файла: 270.96 Mб
Информация для восстановления 3%

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